viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018


  2. If I  (to study), I  (to pass) the exams.
  3. If the sun  (to shine), we  (to walk) into town.
  4. If he  (to have) a temperature, he  (to see) the doctor.
  5. If my friends  (to come), I  (to be) very happy.
  6. If she  (to earn) a lot of money, she  (to fly) to New York.
  7. If we  (to travel) to London, we  (to visit) the museums.
  8. If you  (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you  (to slip) on the rocks.
  9. If Rita  (to forget) her homework, the teacher  (to give) her a low mark.
  10. If they  (to go) to the disco, they  (to listen) to loud music.
  11. If you  (to wait) a minute, I  (to ask) my parents.


Match the sentence beginnings and endings. Type the letter in the box.

1How will she get thereAif she can't get a flight?
2I'll go to universityBwe won't give her a present.
3Will your sister take the jobCif they offer it to her?
4If Lucy doesn't invite us to her wedding,Dif I pass my exams.
5Jack will have a party on FridayEif his parents go away.
6If the local shop's closed,Fwe'll go to the supermarket.

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